Dear Doctor: How to Treat Carpal Hyperextension in Cats
My ten-year-old female cat was recently diagnosed with carpal hyperextension in one of her front paws. I am reluctant to have the surgery performed on her, and there is currently no medication that can help the condition.
Vitamin D: an aid in recovery for cats?
According to a recent study from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, higher levels of vitamin D could potentially help the survival rate for hospitalized cats. Blood samples were obtained from 99 hospitalized cats with life-threatening conditions that were admitted to the Universitys small animal hospital - and those with higher levels of vitamin D were more likely to still be alive a month after admission. …
Diagnosis: Meningioma in Cats
Your 10-year-old cat seems to be slowing down quite a bit. She no longer scampers happily from one end of your home to the other. She doesnt spend much time playing with her toys, and shes stopped hopping up onto your lap while youre watching TV. Instead, shes begun devoting long stretches of time lying absolutely motionless in a corner, staring dreamily into space. At her age, such behavioral changes may simply be a normal consequence…
What is Early Spay/Neuter in Cats?
Chances are you already know the benefits of preventing cats from reproducing: helping to curb overpopulation, improving feline health and reducing or preventing unruly behaviors. But is it safe for a young kitten to be spayed or neutered? Absolutely - in fact, its preferred. The traditional age was historically six months, but theres really no reason for that, says Emily McCobb, DVM, MS, DACVAA, a clinical assistant professor at the Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary…
Some Facts to Consider About Early Spay/Neuter in Cats
Old habits tend to change slowly. As a result, many pet owners - and even many veterinarians - still wait longer than they should to get cats spayed/neutered. One website that Dr. McCobb recommends to distill myths is, which is run by the non-profit Humane Alliance. Some facts from the site: …
Your Kittens Baby Teeth
If you have a kitten, you are likely quite familiar with his razor-sharp baby teeth, especially when he bites down on your fingers during interactive play. Thankfully, kittens usually lose their baby teeth at three months of age and adult teeth usually replace them. In some cases, however, baby teeth dont fall out. The condition is referred to as persistent deciduous teeth, or more commonly and inaccurately, as retained deciduous teeth.
Dear Doctor April 2014
Letters to Tufts Veterinarians - Helping a friendly stray; Lameness after injection
Gifts Support Tufts Renovation
Within a month of receiving a challenge grant aimed at supporting the renovation and expansion of one of its teaching hospitals, the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine has raised 50 percent of the funds needed to be awarded the challenge money thanks to a generous $2.5 million donation from a Connecticut couple. …
Newly-identified viruses
Researchers at Colorado State University have recently discovered a group of cancer-causing viruses in several populations of mountain lions, bobcats and domestic cats - raising questions about whether the previously undetected viruses could be transmitted between the cat species, and whether they could be the root cause of some cancers found in our domestic cats. …
Giving Your Cat Insulin Injections
Diabetes ranks as one of the most common health conditions in cats, especially those who are overweight. As treatment, many cats will require daily insulin injections and adjustments to their meal program. If this becomes necessary, your veterinarian or a veterinary technician will demonstrate the technique in the office before you start doing it at home.
Some illustrated tips on how to give your cat an injection:
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Kitten Nurseries Save Lives
When Executive Director Marc Peralta strolls through the No-Kill Los Angeles adoption center and sees all the cute kittens, he remembers when they were just one or two days old, so tiny that they fit in the palm of a hand. The kittens are graduates of NKLAs kitten nursery, the beneficiaries of a life-saving trend in progressive shelters: nurturing the most vulnerable and unadoptable animals until they are ready for homes. …