When Two Cats Who Got Along, Don’t

You’re a two-cat or multi-cat household, and all of your felines do fine together. They don’t mind looking out the same window at the...

Fat Cats Die Sooner

Although everyone knows that leaner is healthier, excess weight in cats continues to creep up. These days, an estimated 61 percent of pet felines...

The Pungent Truth About Cat Urine

Cat urine tends to be significantly more concentrated than dog urine—or human urine. It’s a survival-of-the-species thing. Since cats started out in the desert,...

On Their Toes

People walk plantigrade, meaning that when we take a step the entire sole of the foot reaches the ground, from the toes to the...

The Truth(s) About Cats and Water

It’s untrue that cats are universal water haters. Sure, no cat wants to be unceremoniously dumped in the sink and have water and suds...