For Guys with Cats: There’s Someone to Love You


First the bad news for single men with cats. When scrolling through photos on dating sites, women find men holding a feline “agreeable and open” but “less masculine, more neurotic,” and most important, “less dateable.” So say the results of a study conducted jointly by researchers at Colorado State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and Boise State University’s Department of Anthropology. The investigators looked at the responses of more than 700 women ages 18 to 24.

Now the good news. There’s an app that connects men and women cat lovers. Called “Tabby — The Cat Person’s Dating App,” it helps you find what it calls the “purrfect match” as well as learn about new cat products and treats. Users create a profile and describe themselves as they would on other dating apps but are also encouraged to upload photos and videos of their pet cats and even to talk about them.

Cat guys, if your dating life seems kaput (and even if it doesn’t), go for it by surfing to and downloading the app from there. Your opportunity to make a love connection has more than one life.


  1. That wouldn’t be the case in the UK (where I am). Blokes with cats aren’t viewed as neurotic or less dateable. Women here like men to have a soft side and a man with a cat is seen as someone you can trust more.

  2. I totally agree with you Rachel! Some men have to prove they’re strong, tuff, and so on… Why? The proof is in the pudding, so they say! A man who has a cat and shows a loving and caring spirit toward that cat, most likely will do the same toward a future wife!

    I met my husband (now deceased) years ago. He didn’t have a cat, but I observed how he treated his parents and mine. Wow, that’s how I want to be treated; and I was all 40 years we were married. You can almost bet that a man who shows continual love toward his cat, will do the same for you! Why would you want a man who can “punch others out…for no reason?” Take the guy with the cat!!!


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