On Politics and Pet Care
Concerns that Catnip Will Make Your Cat High; Concerns that It Won’t
Do You Know Your Cat’s Blood Pressure? You Should.
Your Cat Is Dying. How Does She Feel About It?
Your Role in Your Cat’s Orthopedic Exam
Michael H. Jaffe, DVM, service chief of small animal surgery at the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine, relates the story of the cat owner who told him that their cat “finally learned” not to jump on the kitchen table after 10 years. Dr. Jaffe wasn’t convinced. “If the cat could get up on the table, she would,” he says. “I thought the change in the cat’s behavior was a possible sign of arthritis pain.”
Easter Comes and Goes, but Lilies’ Threat to Cats is Forever
Is It the Vet’s Fault or Yours?
5 Critical Cat Cancer Warning Signs
Can an old cat withstand the anesthesia?
Q: I have a 14-year-old cat who needs surgery. But at that age, will she be able to tolerate the anesthesia?
Cat’s got rhythm
Q: My wife and I have noticed that when we put on soft classical numbers, our cat seems to settle in and become calmer. Are we imagining this, or might she actually be responding to the music?
Increased Thirst May be Something Other than Diabetes
People often assume increased thirst and drinking — medically termed polydipsia — results from diabetes, but it can have a number of other causes: