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When Your Cat Starts Napping in the Litter Box

Your cat, normally so fastidious, has started lounging in her litter box. What’s going on? One possibility is that she has developed a condition that makes her feel the urge to relieve herself very frequently, so she’s trying to stay close to the “toilet,” so to speak. Illnesses that can increase the urge to urinate include a urinary tract infection, urinary crystals or stones, kidney disease, and diabetes. It’s important to rule out any of these diseases. Certainly if your cat is trying to urinate but not getting much out or seems to be in pain while “going,” she should be seen by the vet. Appropriate treatment should help solve the problem.

With Summer Comes Territorial Urine Marking

There are four main reasons cats will urinate outside the litterbox. The first is litterbox aversion, meaning that a cat finds her “toilet” unacceptable....

Let Your Cat Go Outside — Safely

We often have it drummed into us that to remain safe and live as long as possible, our cats should remain entirely indoors at...

Softening the Blow for a Cat Mourning the Loss of Another Cat

The average number of cats in American homes with feline pets is 1.8, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. In other words, many...

Morsels June 2023

Keep Your Cat Away from the Cocoa Mulch! Do you allow your cat in the backyard? And do you use cocoa mulch in and around...

Stress Can Come From Boredom

When we think of stress, we tend to think of worry and anxiety. But stress can also arise from boredom. A lack of sufficient...

Getting at the Reason For Your Cat’s Twitching

Does your cat twitch here and there? If he has been doing it his whole life but has always checked out fine on his...

No, You’re Not a Failure If You Give Your Cat a Psychotropic Medication

Things that indicate your cat has been sent over the edge: hostile behavior toward another animal in the house that intends no harm; nervousness...

Could Dementia Be Making Your Cat Urinate Outside the Box?

Your cat, older than 12 now and perhaps even older than 15, has started to urinate outside the litterbox and perhaps defecate on the...

My Hormones Made Me Do It

Some cats urine mark to claim territory — a behavioral reason that requires a behavioral solution. But intact cats may urine mark because of...

6 Cat Facts That Aren’t

There’s a lot of cat lore out there that people accept as the truth because it gets repeated so often. But frequently, what’s assumed to...

How to Keep Your Cat from Biting and Scratching

Your cat does not bite or scratch out of nowhere, even though it may seem that way. Something is making her anxious enough to...