Search Methods to Help Locate Your Lost Cat


“If your cat has been absent from your home for 24 hours,” emphasizes Nicole Cottam, “it’s time to take action.” To recover a missing cat, she recommends the following:

– Conduct a thorough search for the animal that covers every obscure area — high and low — within 500 feet of your home. Keep in mind that a curious indoor cat who suddenly finds himelf in unfamiliar outdoor surroundings may be terrified and will do everything possible to keep himself concealed.

– Go door to door in your area, alerting neighbors that the cat is

missing. Have several current photographs of the animal on hand. Photos will be more effective than a verbal description.

– Place notices in your local post office, library, schools and so forth that describe the lost cat and provide necessary information on how you can be contacted if he is found.

– Ask personnel at nearby animal shelters and humane organizations whether any cat fitting the description of your missing cat has turned up. Here’s where current photos will also come in handy.

– If possible, have evidence on hand that can serve as proof that you are indeed the owner of a cat that has been found by a neighbor or turned in to an animal shelter.


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