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The Reason Your Cat Can Jump So High

Why is it that a cat can easily jump five feet high, allowing her to land on countertops and other surfaces you might assume would be out of reach? It’s largely about her powerful...

Who Will Your Kitten Become?

There’s something about a very young kitten that steals the heart in its own particular way. But what kind of cat will your kitten become? And can you mold his personality to any degree?...

The Cat Won’t Go For Walks

Q: I read with interest last month’s article saying that it can be good environmental enrichment for a cat to be walked outside with a harness and leash. I’ve gotten my cat used to...

A Common Sign of Feline Asthma

Dogs don’t commonly get asthma, but up to 5 percent of cats do—one in 20. How might you know? If your cat coughs on a fairly regular basis, it could be a sign. People...

Fat” and “Obese” are Not 
Four-Letter Words

People tend to shut down when the veterinarian says their cat is fat or obese. They take it as an affront, often interpreting those words to mean they are being told they are irresponsible...

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